Welcome to my Blog about one of the best Super Hero roleplaying games out there. Mutants & Masterminds. Within here you shall find a wide variety of information i have created, for my own gaming purposes.

Babylon 5: The Shadows

“What do you want?”

Average Shadow Being (PL 7/139pp)
Abilities [53pp]: Strength 22 (+6), Dexterity 16 (+3), Constitution 20 (+5), Intelligence 23 (+6), Wisdom 16 (+3), Charisma 16 (+3)

Saves [8pp]: Toughness +9, Fortitude 5 (+10), Reflexes 2 (+5), Willpower 1 (+4/+8)

Combat [10pp]: Attack Bonus: +0 (Ranged: +0, Melee: +5, Grapple: +11), Defense: +5 (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -4, Initiative: +3

Attacks (Dc): Claws +5 (dc 24), Mind Reading 7 (dc Will 17), Unarmed Attack +5 (dc 21)

Skills [17pp]: Bluff 7 (+10), Concentration 6 (+9), Craft (Shadow Tech) 6 (+12), Intimidate 5 (+8), Knowledge (history) 9 (+15), Knowledge (physical sciences) 9 (+15), Knowledge (technology) 9 (+15), Notice 4 (+7), Search 4 (+10), Stealth 9 (+12)

Feats [7pp]: Attack Focus (melee) 5, Fearsome Presence 2, Improved Grapple

Powers [50pp]:
Alien Physiology 9 [Passive Container; Innate]
- Carapace [Protection 4; Noticeable]
- Claws [Damage 3 (Mighty, Precise)]
- Efficient Body Mass [Immunity 2 (critical hits)]
- Hexaped [Additional Limbs 4 (6 extra limbs; +4 to Grapple when not using Imp. Grapple, Feats: Improved Grapple; Precise]
- Immortal [Immunity 2 (aging, disease)]
- Invisibility 4 [Total concealment from all visual senses; Power Loss (Ultraviolet Spectrum))
- Mind Reading 7 [Subtle 2 (unnoticable)]
- Multi Spectrum Eyes [Super-Senses 5) (darkvision, infravision, low-light vision, ultravision)]
- Phasing [Super-Movement 3 (permeate 3 (full speed); Limited (Large Power Flows) [2 ranks only])]
- Feature: Ultra High Freq. Communication [Subtle]

Shadow Tech Implants (4pp)
- Telepathic Block [Enhanced Will Save +4; Limited (Only against Psychic Attacks)]
- Language Translators [Comprehend 1 (Understand)]

A GM is welcome to introduce any number of strange abilities as Implants.

Drawbacks [+2pp]:  Vulnerable, uncommon, moderate, Psychic Powers

Builder’s Notes:
The Shadows is the name given to an ancient race who were among the oldest of the First Ones. The name "Shadows" was given to them by the younger races as their actual name is unknown, though it is said to be over 10,000 letter long and unpronounceable by any of the younger races.

The Shadows are insectoid hexapeds that resemble a cross between an Earth spider and praying mantis. Naturally colored in shades of dark purple and black they have the ability to cloak themselves from most visible wavelengths, though can sometimes be seen as figures of static in the upper end of the infrared spectrum.

Several Notes about this build. The shadows language is a subtle one, which can only be heard on the high end of the ultra sonic spectrum. Which gives it that strange insect like tone, which most just shrug off as some kind of insect. Though it can be made undetectable to normal hearing, thus why the feature with subtle has been introduced. A non-shadow creature cannot understand the language without shadow technology.

Their physical forms have evolved to the point, they have no weak points or useless functions of their physiology. Thus are not prone to critical hits. Their almost unbreakable carapace see’s to that.


  1. Very nice. Not familiar with the source material but this is rather cool. As always, great stuff.

    The Bane

  2. Thanks man, didn't realize anyone had posted here. Till now. lol
